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Beyond Berkmar Advisement

Advisement Description

The advisement program fosters positive student-student, student-teacher, and teacher-teacher relationships through goal-focused conversations that improve student performance both academically and behaviorally.
This year, students at Berkmar High School will be “All In.” That means giving your best effort at everything you do. Commitment + Hard Work = Success

Part of giving your best effort is using your soft skills. We will take a look at what soft skills are and why they matter. Each month this year, we’ll take a more in-depth look at specific soft skills needed to obtain success beyond Berkmar. Monthly topics such as character, appearance-image, attendance, teamwork, communication skills and time management are just a few of the soft skills that will be explored this school year.

Advisement Program Mission/Vision

The mission of Berkmar High School’s advisement program is to help all levels of staff and students to build meaningful connections, help enhance school culture, help improve student achievement, and prepare students for graduation and beyond.

According to the GCPS Office of Advisement and Counseling:

“The purpose of advisement programs is to build meaningful connections between adults and students resulting in improved student academic achievement.”