Naviance and Student Transcript Requests
Transcript Request
Transcripts can be ordered in one of four ways:
To order your transcript for an in-state college/university through Gafutures:
- go to
- create an account (spell your name the same as in our system) & include your social security number (for HOPE scholarship eligibility purposes)
- go to "college planning" tab
- go to "high school transcripts" tab
- go to "request and track your transcript"
To order through
- log in to your mpp account
- go to school fees
- look for "transcript or common app" then place order. These will be processed and available for pick-up within 24 hours of receiving notification. Pick up in Records Office.
To order at Berkmar (students that graduated up to two years ago):
- complete a Transcript Request Form (located in the Records Office)
- attach $5.00 for EACH transcript request and give to Berkmar's Records Clerk
- return in 24 hours to pick up the transcript/s
Students who graduated more than two years ago, click here.
To Order through Naviance
- Please request from your counselor.
- This option should be used to order transcripts for all ELECTRONIC orders. (ie, if you want your transcript sent electronically to a college.)
- These are Free of charge
The GCPS school district has purchased a new program for College and Career exploration called Naviance. We encourage all college applications are completed through Naviance.
Seniors applying to colleges through Common App will need to match their Common App account and their Naviance account. This document allows students who are applying for Early Action to begin their Common App, if they choose to do so.
Written directions on how to connect Naviance and Common App
Instructional video on how to connect Naviance and Common App