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How do I get a work permit?

Work permits are available in the Main Office. Please click here for more information. 


How do I get an Enrollment Letter?

Enrollment Letters are available in the Attendance Office and will be provided for a fee of $5.00.


How do I get an ADAP certificate?

ADAP certificates are available for students who took Health here at Berkmar High School and can be requested through the Athletics Clerk's office - Room 8203.


I am behind in credits, how can I catch up?

We offer a number of options for you to make up failed classes, including but not limited to Gwinnett Online Campus and Phoenix High School. Please make an appointment to see your Counselor to discuss your options.


How can I schedule a classroom visit for my student?

Classroom visits are allowed by the legal parent/guardian and needs to be scheduled through your student's assigned administrator and require 24 hour notice.


Why does my schedule say I am in the 11th grade and I am graduating in May?

Please see the promotion requirements for further explanation. You must meet certain course and credit requirements in order to promote to the next grade. Gwinnett County does a grade change once a year in July. If you feel you meet the promotion requirements and your grade level is still not correct, please contact your counselor.


How do I register for the SAT/ACT?

If you need to register for the SAT/ACT visit the appropriate websites to sign up. If you receive free/reduced lunch, you may qualify for a fee waiver. You may request a fee waiver from your counselor by making an appointment. Please allow 48 hours for the request to be processed. Not every student needs to take the SAT/ACT; make an appointment to see your counselor to find out your options.


How do I send my SAT/ACT scores to colleges?

You must request official results to be sent to the colleges of your choice through the respected websites for a fee if you did not send them when you initially signed up for the test. Scores are not official unless they come directly from the testing agency.


How can I send a transcript to my colleges?

If you are sending a transcript to any school within Georgia, please use or Naviance to send transcripts.

If you are sending transcripts to schools outside of Georgia, it is the responsibility of each student to mail his/her transcripts. Students requesting transcripts must complete a form in the Records Office stating the number of transcripts needed. Each transcript will be “officially” sealed in an envelope that must not be opened by the student for it to remain official.  The cost is $5.00 for each requested transcript. Please allow 3-5 days for completion of your request.


How do I get a letter of recommendation?

If you need a letter of recommendation, please send a resume/brag sheet (may use the brag sheet linked below) outlining all of your outstanding achievements, exceptional life circumstances (if any), extracurricular activities in and out of school, future goals, and any other information you feel is important for us to know. Also, please include what you need the recommendation for.  Filling out this form will help your counselor be able to write a better letter of recommendation. All recommendations will be completed in 10 school days, so please plan accordingly for the deadlines.

Brag Sheet


What if I receive a pass to come see my counselor when I am supposed to be taking a test or participating in an important class project?

Any student that receives a pass to see a counselor during a time when they are taking a test or participating in another important class project is asked to reschedule the appointment for a later time. Please come to the Academy Counselor’s Office at the end of the period to reschedule the appointment.


How do I make an appointment to see my counselor?

You can make an appointment to see your Academy Counselor two ways:

1) Email your Counselor directly.

2) Follow this link to make an appointment