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Learning 2025

Overview of Learning 2025

We are pleased to share that Gwinnett County Public Schools has been accepted for AASA's Learning 2025 Network of demonstration districts aspiring to become more Student-Centered, Equity-Focused, and Future Driven.  As a valued member of AASA's Learning 2025 Network of educational systems, district and local school leaders will network, collaborate, and learn with school systems who are committed to support the Whole Learning, ensuring Anti-Marginalization, and adopting Future Driven practices.  More information can be found on the GCPS Learning 2025 website or by clicking the flyers below.  


Our Blueprint for the Future: Building the Bridge from Empathy to Excellence

  • When we reach and teach all children as if they had our last name, and when we know each and every student by name, by face, by individual strength and need, and when we lead and support each and every student, staff member, and family with empathy (i.e., to the extent possible—knowing what it’s like to walk in someone else’s shoes), with equity (i.e., addressing individual needs as they arise), with effectiveness (i.e., the ability to produce a desired result), and with excellence (i.e., achieving improved and noteworthy social, emotional, academic, and cognitive performance) and when we wear the same jersey while doing so, we will be a high-performing team that continues to thrive… Team GCPS!   - Dr. Calvin J. Watts, Superintendent 

    In 2021, the Gwinnett County Board of Education appointed a new superintendent for the Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) after twenty-five years of leadership that built the district’s reputation as a world-class organization recognized across the state and nation. GCPS has a legacy of performance and innovation that has prevailed for more than two decades and directly contributed to the county’s economic growth over that time. Since 2000, Gwinnett has become one of the most diverse counties in the United States, while the school system grew to be the largest in the state of Georgia and the 11th largest in the country. The diversity of the larger community is also reflected in the school system.

    With an enrollment of over 180,000 students, GCPS includes families that speak over 100 different languages and dialects, with 24% of our students considered English Learners. Over 80% of our students identify as part of communities of color, including Black, Hispanic, Asian Pacific Islander, and Native American. This diversity is a fact and a strength. Gwinnett County and GCPS truly reflect the demographic shifts experienced across the country, and, therefore, we have a unique opportunity to become a national model of a high-performing district serving an incredibly diverse student population.

    Please go to the Gwinnett County Public Schools website for more information on the Blueprint for the Future.